Waiting-meditation-of-shiva-nandi Craftview

Waiting meditation of shiva nandi

Waiting meditation of shiva nandi

He is not waiting for him to come out and say something. He is waiting. Nandi is a symbolism of eternal waiting because waiting is considered the greatest virtue in Indian culture. One who knows how to simply sit and wait is naturally meditative. He is not expecting Shiva to come out tomorrow. He will wait forever. That quality is the essence of receptivity.

Nandi is Shiva’s closest accomplice because he is the essence of receptivity. Before you go into a temple, you must have the quality of Nandi  to simply sit. You are not trying to go to heaven, you are not trying to get this or that  you go inside and simply sit. So, just by sitting here, he is telling you, “When you go in, don’t do your fanciful things. 
He is not waiting in anticipation or expectation. He is just waiting. That’s meditation just sitting. That’s his message for you. Simply go inside and sit. Alert, not sleepy.

Nandi is a symbolism of eternal waiting, because waiting is considered the greatest virtue in indian culture One who knows how to simply sit and wait is naturally meditative.
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